The Delta system and Its Counterparts.

The Delta system, developed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), is a comprehensive digital platform that has significantly enhanced the Ukrainian army’s ability to coordinate and manage its forces. Delta provides commanders with a real-time operational picture of the battlefield by integrating data from various sensors, drones, satellites, and intelligence sources. The Delta system has gained recognition for its effectiveness and has become an example of the successful implementation of digital technologies in military affairs. At the same time, there are several Delta analogs developed and used by other countries.

Battle Management System (BMS) — NATO

The BMS, used by NATO member countries’ armies, enables commanders to receive and process information from various levels, ranging from individual soldiers to the strategic command level. BMS integrates intelligence, aviation, artillery, and other military data, providing an operational picture for commanders. This system helps coordinate actions in multi-component operations, increasing the speed and accuracy of decision-making.

C4ISR System

The C4ISR system (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) is used by the armed forces of the United States and other countries. C4ISR is a complex system that combines the functions of command and control, communications, computing, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. By utilizing this system, forces can receive real-time enemy data and effectively coordinate their actions. C4ISR plays a crucial role in modern warfare, providing quick access to critical information.

“Soldier of the Future” System (FELIN) — France

FELIN (Fantassin à Équipements et Liaisons Intégrés) is a French system that integrates wearable devices, sensors, and communication equipment, allowing soldiers to transmit data to a unified command center. Commanders receive detailed information about the location of their units and the enemy, which aids in tactical-level coordination. The FELIN system significantly enhances situational awareness at the squad and platoon levels.

“Echelon” System — Russia

“Echelon” is a Russian automated system for managing troops and weapons, designed for use in ground operations. The system integrates various levels of command, from operational to tactical, and combines battlefield data from intelligence and other sources. “Echelon” provides commanders with up-to-date information about the enemy and their forces, enabling quick decision-making and real-time management of units.

“Irbis” System — China

The Chinese “Irbis” system is designed to coordinate ground and air forces in high-intensity combat situations. This system integrates data from various platforms, including drones, satellites, and ground sensors, and provides it to commanders in real-time. “Irbis” features a high degree of automation, reducing response time to changes in the battlefield environment.

The Delta system and Its Counterparts


Modern battle management systems, like Ukraine’s Delta, have become an integral part of military arsenals worldwide. These systems significantly enhance operational capabilities, enabling forces to act more coordinatedly and effectively. Delta analogs, such as BMS, C4ISR, FELIN, “Echelon,” and “Irbis,” confirm the global trend towards the digitization of military operations and demonstrate how critical information management has become in modern conflicts.


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